
About me πŸ‘¦πŸΏ

Hi there! My name is Roan and I graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Computer Engineering. Ever since I was a young age, I've always been fascinated with technology and understanding how it impacts our everyday lives. I now aspire to land a Software Engineering role that will enable me to innovate and design consumer technology for millions of people around the world! My career interests are in cybersecurity, machine learning and embedded systems. Some of my personal hobbies and interests include: playing basketball, listening to music, gaming and reading sports articles!


Education πŸ“š

Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN

B.S. in Computer Engineering

August 2019 - December 2023

Cumulative GPA: 3.35/4.00

  • Electrical Engineering Senior Design Projects
  • Software Engineering
  • Microprocessor Systems And Interfacing
  • Advanced C Programming
  • Data Structures
  • Introduction To Digital System Design
  • Python For Data Science
  • Object Orientated Programming With C++
  • Software Engineering Tools
  • Introduction To Computer Security
  • Signals And Systems
  • Probabilistic Methods
  • Discrete Mathematics For Computer Engineering
  • C Programming
  • Electrical Engineering Fundamentals I
  • Electrical Engineering Fundamentals II
  • Electrical Engineering Fundamentals I Lab
  • Electric And Magnetic Interactions
  • Calculus I, II & III
  • Transforming Ideas To Innovation
  • Engineering Projects In Community Service (EPICS)
  • Personal Finance
  • Collaborative Leadership: Interpersonal Skills


Skills πŸ”§


Leadership & Involvement πŸ”Š

Purdue College of Engineering Ambassadors

Engineering Ambassador

January 2021 - December 2023

CoE Ambassadors have the opportunity to work with the College of Engineering Advancement Team, network with Purdue Engineering Alumni, interact with industry professionals, develop leadership skills, mentor first-year engineering Students, and assist with the recruitment of future engineers. In Spring 2021, CoE ambassadors were assigned mini-projects in teams due to the cancellation of in-person gatherings (Covid-19). Our team was responsible for designing a university-sponsored website intended for 2,500+ First-Year Engineering (FYE) students. The website will guide FYE students into selecting 1 of 17 engineering major disciplines. This project is ongoing!

Leadership & Involvement (cont.) πŸ”Š

National Society of Black Engineers

Corporate Relations Chair, 2x Telecommunications Chair & Mentor

June 2020 - May 2023

This past year, I served on the Executive Board of the Purdue NSBE chapter as the Corporate Relations Chair and part of the Finance Zone. I managed all industry relations between company partners/sponsors and Purdue NSBE. I helped established 15+ NSBE corporate partnerships and sponsorships to raise $40,000+ to support chapter programs and events. I was also in charge of coordinating 20+ company events and info sessions to connect members to various industry opportunities throughout the year. Prior to my role as Corporate Relations Chair, I served as the Telecommunications Chair for 2 years and was part of the Communications Zone.

In my role as Telecommunications Chair, I was responsible for managing our chapter’s website, publicizing chapter events and professional opportunities, and being a point of contact for any potential members, company representatives or alumni who reached out to Purdue NSBE through our website. I also cooperated with Executive Board members within the Communications Zone and Membership Zone. We were designing ways to better communicate with members and keep members virtually active, to ensure that members were receiving the best Purdue NSBE experience possible despite the ongoing challenges with COVID-19. I was also part of the NSBE Mentorship program and mentored both an ECE and CS undergraduate student. I provided both students with academic/professional guidance to help them blossom during their undergraduate career here at Purdue.

Click here to view the Purdue NSBE website!

Professional Development πŸ‘”

United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

2020 Summit Fellow

October 2020

In October of 2020, I participated in a 3-day virtual summit alongside 120+ students in various tech-related majors all across the United States. I had the unique opportunity to network with recruiters, engineers and executives from companies like Google, Lyft, Salesforce, Adobe, Two Sigma, and more. The summit was filled with workshops and panel events where I learned proper networking & interviewing skills and gained insight on navigating careers within Software Engineering. The summit also included an exclusive career fair where I was able to showcase my skills, passions and experiences to recruiters. I had an overall great experience and have grown so much professionally from this opportunity!


Activities 🌍

African Students Association

General Member

August 2019 - December 2023

Being a part of African Students Association (ASA) has provided me with the opportunity to immerse myself in my African heritage and connect with students who boast a variety of African cultures. This organization helped me establish new friendships while I was a freshman as well. I am also of Kenyan heritage and my parents are from Nairobi, Kenya!


Activities (cont.) 🏎️

National Society of Black Engineers

Grand Prix Team

August 2019 - May 2020

During my freshman year, I was a part of the NSBE Grand Prix Team. In a team of 7 engineers, we revamped the NSBE go-kart from last year and focused on improving its technical features. I was able to work mainly on the back wheels and axles, sprocket chain and engine mount components of the go-kart. As a team, we competed at Whiteland Raceway Park in Indiana for a fall racing competition and used that racing experience to prepare for the Purdue Grand Prix in the Spring. Unfortunately, the Purdue Grand Prix was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Honors & Awards πŸ…

  • KH and ME Edmondson Engineering Scholar - Purdue University
  • William C. Cleveland Scholar - Purdue University
  • K. and B. Essency Scholar - Purdue University
  • Director Discretionary Scholar - Purdue University
  • Black Caucus Awardee - Purdue University
  • Dean's List, Fall 2020 & Spring 2022 - Purdue University
  • Semester Honors, Spring & Fall 2020 - Purdue University
  • Presidential Scholar - Purdue University
  • Fund II Foundation UNCF STEM Scholar - United Negro College Fund (UNCF)
  • Hugh W. and Edna M. Donnan Scholar - Purdue University
  • 2019 Sigma Scholar & Charles I. Brown Service Awardee - Sigma Cares Foundation
  • NSBE Jr. Summer Bridge Scholar - National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
  • Delaware Gamma Theta Lambda Scholar - Gamma Theta Lambda Chapter (Wilmington, DE)